Parshat HaShavua
Parshat HaShavua From Rabbis at Hesder Yeshivot
We are pleased to announce a new initiative: Each week, we will translate and feature a d’var Torah from a different Rosh Yeshiva of a Dati L’umi Yeshivat Hesder in Israel. Our goal is – until we get there ourselves – to bring Torat Yisrael closer to America.

Parshat Vayakhel-Pekudei: “For the great and the lowly are equal before the Holy One Blessed Be He” by Rabbi Yehoshua Weitzman
Parhsat Vayakhel seemingly repeats things which were said in the previous Parshah. Yet, our Sages of blessed memory learnt many things in this Parshah about the soul of man, and of societies which we can take with us into our daily lives. The Talmud Yerushalmi says in...

Parshat Tetzaveh (Zachor): “Walled and Unwalled Cities” by Rav Eliezer Melamed
We have already mentioned that the status of Purim is of an in-between nature. Its laws are considered Divrei Kabalah. One way in which this status holds practical significance is that there is a dispute about what to do in the case of a Safek regarding the...

Parshat Terumah: “Har Sinai and Har HaMoriah” By Rabbi Yehoshua Weitzman
After the description of the Revelation at Sinai Sinai in Parshat Yitro and Parshat Mishpatim the matter of the establishment of the Mishkan appears, beginning in Parshat Terumah and ending with the completion of the book of Shemot. Is there a connection between these...

Parshat Mishpatim: “The Character of Moshe” by Rabbi Nachum Rabinovitz
The events described at the end our parshah occurred before the revelation at Mt. Sinai, and the Torah is going back and revealing to us all that occurred during Matan Torah. The Torah states the following: “Moshe Aharon Nadav and Avihu and seventy of the elders of...

Parshat Yitro by Rav Yehoshua Mordechai Schmidt
This Shabbat we are going to read and accept the Torah. Hakadosh Baruch Hu leads the Jews out of Egypt, but before He gives them the Torah, He gives them chizuk, telling them, “You will be for Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” What does this mean? Why does...

Parshat Beshalach: “Speak to the Children of Israel and tell them to journey forth!” by Rav Gur Golan
This week the Jewish People begin their journey throughout the desert, a journey that will take them all the way to the Promised Land. The generation of the “midbar”, as its name suggests, was a generation which lived outside of nature. The desert is a place where...

Parshat Bo by Rav Yuval Cherlow
Why do we eat Maror on Pesach? Ostensibly, the answer to this question is so straightforward that it is not I who should be speaking about this, but my pre-school-age grandchild. Why is it so straightforward? Because it is one of the only cases in which the reason for...

Parshat Va’eira: “Remembering the Covenant” by Rabbi Haim Sabato
In the beginning of this week’s parshah, God reveals himself to Moshe and tells him his mission. Yet, this is not the first time that God has informed Moshe of his mission, as God has already told Moshe his mission in last week’s parshah at the episode of the Burning...

Parshat Shemot: “G-d’s Name Revealed” by Rav Ze’ev Soltenovich
This week, we begin a new Sefer, a Sefer in which the nation of Israel is born and the redemption of the world progresses to its next stage. This Sefer, as its name and opening phrase, “And these are the names,” suggests, will highly emphasize the concept of names....