“Parshat Achrei-Mot Kedoshim” by Rabbi Avi Billet

“Parshat Achrei-Mot Kedoshim” by Rabbi Avi Billet

Rabbi Billet is the rabbi of Anshei Chesed Congregation in Boynton Beach, FL. Vayikra 18:3 – Like the ways of Egypt where you lived you shall not do. And like the ways of Canaan, where I will be bringing you, you shall not do. Do not follow any of their customs. The...
“Parshat Tazria-Metzorah” by Rabbi Daniel Feldman

“Parshat Tazria-Metzorah” by Rabbi Daniel Feldman

Rabbi Feldman is a Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva University and rabbi of Ohr Saadya inTeaneck, NJ The theme of lashon hara lurks unmentioned but deeply felt in the background of our double parshah of Tazria-Metzora. The parshiyot describe a malady, tzara’at, which...