Parshat Noach by Rabbi Moshe D. Lichtman

THE FLOOD AND ERETZ YISRAEL What connection could there possibly be between this parashah and the Holy Land?  Seemingly, the flood affected the entire world, as the verse says, Everything that was on dry land died (7:22).  Furthermore, this is essentially a universal...

Parshat Vsot Habracha by Rabbi Moshe D. Lichtman

THE DESIRE OF KINGS This week’s parashah enumerates the blessings that Moshe Rabbeinu gave the Children of Israel before he died.  Many of these blessings contain clear references to the special qualities – both spiritual and physical – of Eretz Yisrael. The last...

Shabbat Yom Kippur by Rabbi Benjamin J. Samuels

At our best, we have been intensely preparing for Yom Kippur for the past forty days, since Rosh Chodesh Elul.  Reviewing this past year, we may justifiably take pride in our religious and spiritual achievements, our moral courage of conscience and conviction, and our...

Parshat Haazinu by Rabbi Moshe D. Lichtman

THE FINAL STAGE OF HISTORY Shirat Ha’azinu is basically a synopsis of Jewish history, starting with HaShem’s choice of Am Yisrael and culminating in the final redemption, for which we so sorely yearn.  It therefore behooves us – the generation living so close to the...