
Yom HaAtzmaut 70 Years Resources   Click here to see World Mizrachi’s Yom Yerushalayim booklet produced last year.  As Yom Yerushalayim draws closer, this resource is a informative and comprehensive source book created by World Mizrachi that focuses on the...

Zichronam Livracha

Join the hundreds of schools, synagogues and individuals who will learn in memory of those who have fallen on behalf of the State of Israel. Together, before the Yom HaZikaron 5780 sirens wail on the streets of Israel on the fourth of Iyar, April 28th, we will...

US Chapters

National Office 305 Seventh Avenue, 12th Floor New York, NY 10001 Phone: 212.465.9234; Fax:, Religious Zionists of Los Angeles 9595 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 502 Beverly Hills, California 90212 Phone: 310.274.6657; Fax:...

FAQ About Aryeh Fellows

Aryeh Fellows RZA Aryeh Fellows FAQ Page Thank you for your interest in the RZA Aryeh Fellowship. Here is the application link. Applications open on Yom HaAtzmaut and are due after Shavuot on Friday May 25th at 5:00pm Have a question that’s not mentioned here? Email...