What is Mizrachi NextGen?
We’re the Mizrachi NextGen Team! We are working to engage the next generation of Jewish leaders to join us in our mission: building a strong bridge between Israel and the American Jewish community.
From spreading the Torah and values of Israel, to supporting Israel as a thriving nation, and empowering the next generation of American Jews (you!) to take responsibility for the future of the Jewish nation.
We will update this page as a space to share opportunities for learning, connecting, and dreaming.
Reach out to one of us below with your questions, suggestions, or dreams for the future of Am Yisrael!
Or, for now, find your Kvutza (affinity group) here or apply for our year-long Cholmim (Dreamers) Fellowship here!
All the best,
The Mizrachi NextGen Team

Stay in touch!
Join our email list to stay up-to-date on all NextGen programming!