Israel Community Fund

Dear community leaders,
In the face of darkness, our response should be to add light. In the face of challenge, to find the opportunity for growth and contribution. In this spirit and in light of recent events and challenges in Israel, as a result of the Gaza conflict and destructive riots in Israel, particularly affecting synagogues and communities in Lod and Akko, we have, together with affiliate organizations, launched the “Israel Community Fund”.  
The funds collected will significantly strengthen the communities in these cities most affected by the riots, damage and destruction and in need of chizuk and strength. In the spirit of כל ישראל ערבים זה בזה, our collective fate and destiny as a people, communities in Israel and around the world are coming together to proactively respond. We are in direct contact with the relevant parties in these cities to ensure that all funds distributed will meet their most urgent needs and necessities at this time. Please see the flyer below for further details and signup below if your shul would like to be a partner with us on this project.
All the best,
Rav Doron Perez and Rav Ari Rockoff

Listen to Rabbi Shalom Axelrod on JM in the AM to discuss the RZA’s Israel Community Fund (11/4/2021)